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Lucent’s Verbal Reasoning (English Edition) vibha Rani

350.00 510.00


“This book will help the students who wish to prepare for UPSC-CSAT, CAT, MAT, Bank P.O., Clerk, SSC, Hotel Management, LIC AAO, MCA, BBA, B.Ed. Railway and other Entrance Examination.”

This book presents all the elements of Verbal Reasoning viz. general Mental Ability, Analytical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning and critical reasoning. This Book has been written in simple, lucid, clear and modern style so that the student may find the subject matter interesting and easy. Salient Features: 1. Fully solved examples and explanatory notes of each and every question, 2. Coverage of all types of questions based on the latest pattern in well classified, systematic and graded manner, 3. Full of short cuts and tricks to solve faster, 4. Sufficient questions for practice with detailed solutions

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